REIT Data Market

Data Science & Geo-Spatial Analytics for REIT Data & Investing


Our philosophy is that at the end of the day real estate follows the golden rule,"location, location, location". This enduring view of the industry is our founding principle and forms the "logos" of the business. From here, we realize leveraging GIS technologies is the truest expression of this philosophy as applied to Real Estate and REIT analytics.

While others seek to calculate value by collecting and aggregating information to generate estimates for lines on a balance sheet, we believe location determines the true value and income potential of a property. Similarly, other companies seek to assess the quality of a REIT’s management by creating metrics to measure thriftiness, decisiveness and aptitude; we operate under the concept that what distinguishes the sagacious managers from the lucky and doomed is the inherent quality underpinning the locations of properties currently under management.

See how we put this philsophy into action. Download our fact sheet detailing the only trading strategy for REITs determined by county-level geo-spatial analytics!Read our latest REIT analysis on SeekingAlpha


RDM Snowflake Marketplace Listing

Access REIT Analytics Data via the
Snowflake Marketplace for free!
Unlock the full potential of your investment strategy with RDM's geospatial analytics! Dive deep into the complexities of geographical asset allocation and master risk management with our comprehensive data tables. Are you truly diversifying, or are overlapping geographies in your REIT portfolios masking hidden risks?

RDM Rapid API Listing

Subscribe to our REIT Property API for free!Get access to 100+ REITs and 280,000+ properties across 20+ attributes such as lat/long, full address, property size, property units, occupancy and distance from a REIT owned property to important features like subway stations, highway exits and tenant desired locations like coffee shops, trendy grocery stores etc.


We are collaborating with Thematic and leveraging their platform to publish our data-driven REIT investment themes based on geospatial data and analytics.Check out a selection of our custom indices below.


RDM US REITs MultiFamily Geodiversity - County (GEODIV)

RDM US REITs California Solo (RDMCA)